• To revise the principles of transfusion, see Principles of transfusion and Consent for transfusion guidelines
  • Collected from UK volunteer whole blood and/or apheresis platelet donors
  • Pooled buffy coat platelets (4 donors in ‘platelet additive solution’)
    • mean volume 308 mL, mean platelets 308 x 109/unit (165–500), <0.3 mL red cells
  • Apheresis platelets
    • mean volume 199 mL, mean platelets 280 x 109/unit (165–510)
  • Stored in controlled temperature 20–24°C with agitation for <7 days with bacterial screening
  • There is no need to agitate platelets after removal from cold storage 


  • Apply surface pressure and correct any surgical causes
  • Review/stop anticoagulants/antiplatelet drugs
  • Consider tranexamic acid
  • Uraemia with bleeding – dialysis, correct anaemia, consider desmopressin
  • Inherited platelet function disorders – consider desmopressin
  • If fibrinogen <1.5 g/L with severe bleeding, replace. See Cryoprecipitate


  • If in doubt, discuss with haematologist
  • Assess WHO bleeding score
  • In patients with inherited or acquired platelet disorders/abnormal platelet function, discuss transfusion with haematology first
  • Platelet transfusion may be inferior to standard care in patients on anti-platelet agents with spontaneous intra-cerebral haemorrhage
  • In some situations, target platelet thresholds may not be achievable
    • individual case review is required

Prophylaxis (no bleeding/WHO bleeding score grade 1)

Reversible bone marrow failure (BMF) including stem cell transplantation

  • Transfusion threshold: platelets ≤10 x 109/L
    • consider no prophylaxis in autologous stem cell transplantation 

Critical illness

  • Transfusion threshold: platelets ≤10 x 109/L

Chronic BMF receiving intensive therapy

  • Transfusion threshold: platelets ≤10 x 109/L

Chronic BMF to prevent persistent bleeding of grade ≥2

  • Transfusion threshold: platelets count variable
    • discuss with haematologist

Transfusion not indicated

  • Chronic stable BMF (e.g. on low dose oral chemo or azacitadine)
  • Abnormal platelet function
  • Platelet consumption/destruction e.g. DIC, TTP
  • Immune thrombocytopenia e.g. ITP, HIT, PTP

Prophylaxis in presence of risk factors for bleeding

  • e.g. sepsis, antimicrobial treatment, abnormalities of haemostasis

Reversible BMF/chronic BMF on intensive therapy/critical illness

  • Transfusion threshold: consider at platelets ≤20 x 109/L

Transfusion not indicated

  • Abnormal platelet function
  • Platelet consumption/destruction e.g. DIC, TTP
  • Immune thrombocytopenia e.g. ITP, HIT, PTP

Platelet transfusions pre-procedure

Central venous catheter insertion (excluding PICC)

  • Transfusion threshold: platelets ≤20 x 109/L

Lumbar puncture

  • Transfusion threshold: platelets ≤40 x 109/L

Percutaneous liver biopsy/ Major surgery

  • Transfusion threshold: platelets ≤50 x 109/L 

Epidural anaesthesia, insertion and removal

  • Transfusion threshold: platelets ≤80 x 109/L

Neurosurgery/ophthalmic surgery involving posterior segment of the eye

  • Transfusion threshold: platelets ≤100 x 109/L

Transfusion not indicated

  • Bone marrow aspirate +/- trephine
  • PICC line insertion
  • Traction removal CVCs
  • Cataract surgery

Therapeutic use (WHO bleeding grade 2)

Multiple trauma/Brain or eye injury/Spontaneous intracranial haemorrhage

  • Transfusion threshold: platelets ≤100 x 109/L

Severe bleeding

  • Transfusion threshold: platelets ≤50 x 109/L

Bleeding (WHO grade 2 but not severe)

  • Transfusion threshold: platelets ≤30 x 109/L


  • Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) unless life-threatening haemorrhage


  • Dose platelets as 1 adult treatment dose (1ATD)
    • prescribe on the fluid prescription of the drug chart
  • Adult treatment dose of platelets is 1 ATD
  • Each single ATD platelets transfused is a treatment decision
  • Assess every patient for risk of transfusion associated circulatory overload (TACO)
    • manage appropriately e.g. rate, diuretics, frequency of observations


  • Transfuse as soon as possible after component arrives
    • use a standard blood administration set with a 170–200 micron filter
  • Do not transfuse platelets through an administration set that has already been used to administer red blood cells
    • to avoid platelet clumping
  • Check product for signs of deterioration/bacterial contamination before use
    • e.g. clumping/discolouration, damage to bag
  • Specify transfusion rate depending on clinical situation/patient history typically:
    • if low risk of TACO, 20–30 min per ATD
    • if high risk of TACO, 30–60 min per ATD
    • if MHP, ‘stat’ over 5–10 min


  • Assess patients clinically after each ATD for bleeding symptom severity and signs/symptoms of adverse events and TACO
  • Assess laboratory parameters after each unit
    • repeat FBC@≥15mins to assess if target platelet threshold achieved

Typical changes

  • 1 ATD typically increases platelet count by 20–40 x 109/L
  • Platelet increment reduces with repeated platelet transfusions
    • even in the absence of allo-immunisation
  • Platelet increment in patients with chronic liver disease may be lower, but platelet activity is increased due to higher circulating von Willebrand factor

© 2022 The Bedside Clinical Guidelines Partnership.

Created by University Hospital North Midlands and Keele University School of Computing and Mathematics.

Research and development team: James Mitchell, Ed de Quincey, Charles Pantin, Naveed Mustfa