• To revise the principles of transfusion, see Principles of transfusion and Consent for transfusion guidelines
  • Made by thawing UK donor Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) at 4°C to produce a concentrated plasma product rich in fibrinogen, Factor VIII and von Willebrand factor
    • collected from UK volunteer whole blood donors
  • Available as single-donor units (mean 43 mL) or pools of 5 units (mean 189 mL)
  • Pools contain fibrinogen mean 1552 mg/pack (specification >700)
  • Stored in controlled freezer at <−25°C for <36 months
  • Once requested, cryoprecipitate will be thawed at 37°C taking <20 min
    • use within 4 hr of thawing, do not refrigerate
  • Fibrinogen concentrate, a virally inactivated pooled plasma product, may be an available alternative for some patient cohorts. Discuss with haematology team

Methylene blue (MB) treated cryoprecipitate

  • Virally inactivated, single donor, non-UK sourced plasma product potentially indicated for patients born after 01/01/1996 to minimise risk of transmission of vCJD
  • Reduced fibrinogen and Factor VIII activity compared to standard cryoprecipitate


  • Unless using Massive Haemorrhage Protocol (MHP), discuss need for cryoprecipitate with haematologist before ordering
  • Clinically significant bleeding and fibrinogen <1.5 g/L (<2 g/L in obstetric bleeding)
  • Fibrinogen <1 g/L and pre procedure/surgery
  • Bleeding associated with thrombolytic therapy
  • Inherited hypofibrinogenaemia where fibrinogen concentrate is unavailable
  • Consider in renal failure associated with abnormal bleeding where DDAVP is contraindicated or ineffective


  • Cryoprecipitate: dosed in pools (or mL/single donor packs in low body weight patients) – prescribe on fluid prescription of the drug chart
  • Treatment dose of cryoprecipitate is 2 pools in an adult patient or 1 single donor unit per 5–10 kg body weight
  • Assess every patient for risk of transfusion associated circulatory overload (TACO) and manage appropriately e.g. rate, diuretics, frequency of observations 


  • Transfuse as soon as possible after thawing using a standard blood giving set with a 170-200 micron filter
  • If delay is unavoidable, store at ambient temperature and use within 4 hr
  • Routinely administer each pool over 30–60 min (10–20 mL/kg/hr)
  • Monitor patients closely for fluid overload (TACO) and allergic reactions (including TRALI)
  • Any blood component connected to patient’s IV access is regarded as ‘transfused’ for traceability purposes even if unit was subsequently (partially) wasted


  • 2 pooled units are expected to increase fibrinogen by 1 g/L
  • After cryoprecipitate transfusion, assess patients clinically
    • bleeding symptom severity
    • adverse events; especially signs/symptoms of respiratory distress (e.g. TACO, TRALI) and allergic reactions
  • After each treatment dose of cryoprecipitate, assess laboratory parameters
    • PT/APTT and Clauss fibrinogen
    • plus near patient thromboelastography (TEG, ROTEM) where available

© 2022 The Bedside Clinical Guidelines Partnership.

Created by University Hospital North Midlands and Keele University School of Computing and Mathematics.

Research and development team: James Mitchell, Ed de Quincey, Charles Pantin, Naveed Mustfa