• The senior clinician decides to anticoagulate orally, including duration and intensity of treatment

Choice of rapid or slow anticoagulation


with concurrent heparin

Who initiates?

  • Refer inpatients to an anticoagulation management service (AMS)
  • Only if patient not referred to AMS, follow this guideline

Review clinical condition

Medication history

  • Determine any significant interactions with warfarin
    • remember herbal remedies
  • Consider whether to discontinue or substitute medications
    • particularly important for ‘as required’ medications e.g. NSAIDs, where the interaction may be inconsistent
  • Seek further information from medicines information or AMS where necessary

Increased sensitivity to warfarin

  • Frail, sick, have multiple comorbidities or take multiple medication
  • Aged >80 yr
  • Significantly underweight
  • Congestive cardiac failure
  • Abnormal liver function
  • Receiving parenteral nutrition or drugs that potentiate warfarin significantly (see BNF Appendix 1)

Counsel patient

  • Reason, risks and benefits of oral anticoagulation
    • bleeding risk
    • drug interactions (including alcohol)
    • need for regular INR monitoring
  • Provide anticoagulation information pack

Dose prediction

  • Anticoagulation with warfarin takes effect only in 72–96 hrs after first dose
  • The following algorithm allows the maintenance dose of warfarin to be predicted over 4 days by optimal interpretation of timed daily INR measurements
  • Use INR to guide the selection of daily warfarin dose
    • even during concurrent anticoagulant treatment with unfractionated heparin, dalteparin or any other low-molecular-weight heparin
  • All warfarin tablets are scored, and
    • any doses recommended can be administered by use of 1 mg, 3 mg and 5 mg tablets

Increased sensitivity to warfarin

  • If patient has increased sensitivity to warfarin, use half the doses recommended below

Day 1

  • Take blood for measurement of INR
  • If INR ≥1.4, this predictive method cannot be used
    • the choice of dose must rely on clinical judgement alone
    • seek advice from AMS
  • If INR <1.4 and no increased  sensitive to warfarin, give warfarin 10 mg before evening meal between 1700 and 1800 hr

Day 2

  • Take blood between 0900 hr and 1000 hr (16 hr after first dose of warfarin)
  • Measure INR and use the result to select next dose
Enter INR (for day 2 only):

Day 3

  • Take blood between 0900 hr and 1000 hr (16 hr after second dose of warfarin)
  • Measure INR and use the result to select next dose
Enter INR (for day 3 only):

Day 4

  • Take blood between 0900 hr and 1000 hr (16 hr after third dose of warfarin)
  • Measure INR and use the result to select next dose
Enter INR (for day 4 only):

Subsequent management

  • The dose selected on day 4 is the predicted maintenance dose necessary to achieve a stable INR in the range 2–4
  • Watch for INR instability due to changing/starting/stopping of interacting medication or diet (see BNF appendix 1)
  • Make dose adjustments after end of initiation regimen onward intuitively
  • If concerns of overanticoagulation, see Warfarin overanticoagulation


  • Refer patients stabilised on warfarin to AMS for ongoing monitoring
  • Order TTO for warfarin along with other medication


Who initiates?

  • Refer inpatients to an anticoagulation management service (AMS)
  • Only if patient not referred to AMS, follow this guideline

Review clinical condition

Medication history

  • Determine any significant interactions with warfarin
    • remember herbal remedies
  • Consider whether to discontinue or substitute medications
    • particularly important for ‘as required’ medications e.g. NSAIDs, where the interaction may be inconsistent
  • Seek further information from medicines information or AMS where necessary 

Increased sensitivity to warfarin

  • Frail, sick, have multiple comorbidities or take multiple medication
  • Aged >80 yr
  • Significantly underweight
  • Congestive cardiac failure
  • Abnormal liver function
  • Receiving parenteral nutrition or drugs that potentiate warfarin significantly (see BNF Appendix 1)

Counsel patient

  • Reason, risks and benefits of oral anticoagulation
    • bleeding risk
    • drug interactions (including alcohol)
    • need for regular INR monitoring
  • Provide anticoagulation information pack

Day 1

  • Take blood for measurement of INR
  • When INR result available:
    • if INR ≤1.3 on day 1 and increased sensitivity to warfarin, choose Slow anticoagulation OATES regimen
    • if INR <1.5 on day 1 and no factors likely to cause increased sensitivity to warfarin, choose Slow anticoagulation Tait regimen
    • if INR fits neither of first two choices, seek senior advice

Slow anticoagulation OATES regimen

INR ≤1.3 on day 1 and increased sensitivity to warfarin

  • Give warfarin 2 mg daily for first 7 days

Day 7

  • Take next INR at day 7
  • When INR result available, select:
    • INR > 4.0 on day 7, choose dose intuitively. Seek senior advice
    • If INR >5, consider overanticoagulation. See Warfarin overanticoagulation
    • INR > 3.0-4.0 on day 7, give warfarin 1mg daily and move to Subsequent management
    • INR≤ 3.0 on day 7, continue warfarin 2 mg daily until day 15

Day 15

Reminder: Only use for patient with INR≤ 3.0 on day 7 still on warfarin 2 mg daily

  • Measure INR on day 15

When INR result available, select:

Enter Day 15 INR:

Slow anticoagulation Tait regimen

INR <1.5 on day 1 and no factors likely to cause increased sensitivity to warfarin

  • Commence warfarin 5 mg daily starting on Monday, Thursday or Friday (day 1)
    • but not on other days of the week
  • Complete referral form for AMS
  • Measure INR on days 5 and 8, and adjust daily dosage according to algorithm
    • do not measure INR or adjust warfarin dosage on any other day as this will preclude use of the algorithm (unless patient’s clinical condition or medication alters)
  • If INR outside parameters of algorithm, chose dose intuitively
    • seek senior advice

Day 5 calculator

Enter Day 5 INR:

Day 8 Calculator

Enter Day 5 INR: Enter Day 8 INR:

Subsequent management

  • Make dose adjustments after end of initiation regimen intuitively
    • watch for INR instability due to changing/starting/stopping of interacting medication or diet (see BNF appendix 1)
  • If concerns of overcantioagulation, see Warfarin overanticoagulation


  • Refer patients stabilised on warfarin to AMS for ongoing monitoring
  • Order TTO for warfarin along with other medication

© 2022 The Bedside Clinical Guidelines Partnership.

Created by University Hospital North Midlands and Keele University School of Computing and Mathematics.

Research and development team: James Mitchell, Ed de Quincey, Charles Pantin, Naveed Mustfa