Symptoms and signs

  • Severe headache of sudden onset implies SAH until proved otherwise
    • headache becomes severe within seconds, no longer than one minute
    • may be associated with vomiting and loss of consciousness
    • may be subsequent photophobia and neck stiffness
  • Symptoms sometimes resolve within a few hours but still investigate with CT scan of head
  • 30% of patients with SAH may have ‘minor’ leaks hours or days before the major haemorrhage, which are often misdiagnosed as simple headaches or migraine
  • Unexplained coma or seizures with subsequent persistent severe headache can indicate acute SAH


CT scan of head

  • Within 24 hr of admission

Lumbar Puncture

  • If initial CT normal (especially if performed more than 24–72 hr after initial headache onset) and clinical suspicion for SAH high, perform lumbar puncture at least 12 hr after symptom onset
    • exclude SAH completely by analysis of CSF
    • see Lumbar puncture guideline

Analysis of CSF

  • Opening pressure
  • Send sample to clinical biochemistry immediately for centrifugation to allow CSF spectrophotometry for xanthochromia
    • if tap was traumatic, this is especially important
    • record time from headache onset in hours/days on CSF xanthochromia request card to allow best assessment
    • protect sample from light and warn clinical biochemistry before you send sample
    • do not use air tube to transport sample
  • MC&S, glucose and protein
    • send blood for glucose, protein and bilirubin with CSF sample

Differential diagnosis

  • Meningitis
  • Encephalitis
  • Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (with raised opening pressure)


  • If consciousness impaired, check airway and maintain it
  • Codeine phosphate 60 mg oral (or IM) 4-hrly as required up to maximum 240 mg in 24 hr
  • Observe respiratory effort and monitor ECG
  • If SAH confirmed, bleep on-call neurosurgical SpR, and request transfer to neurosciences


  • First discuss with neurosciences team


  • Nimodipine 60 mg oral 4-hrly including throughout night
    • commence within 4 hr of SAH or as soon as diagnosis confirmed
    • if unconscious, crush tablets and give as soon as possible via nasogastric tube
  • Manage blood pressure – see Acute stroke guideline – Immediate treatment, Blood pressure

Supportive therapy

  • If no contraindication, give sodium chloride 0.9% at least 3 L by IV infusion every 24 hr
  • Arrange for nursing staff to measure patient’s legs and fit TED stockings

If improving and stable

  • In confirmed SAH, consider CT angiography at earliest opportunity with a view to operative therapy

If not improving or deteriorating

  • Think about:
    • metabolic cause (diabetes insipidus, hyponatraemia, hypoxia)
    • hydrocephalus
    • acute rebleed
  • Consider further CT scan of head


  • Until headache has subsided and patient stable, monitor 4-hrly:
    • Glasgow coma score
    • neurological observations
    • pulse
    • BP
    • temperature
  • When stable, monitor BP at least twice daily in patients taking nimodipine


  • If no operative intervention planned, continue oral nimodipine for a total of 21 days
  • Discharge after 2–4 weeks and review in out-patient clinic
  • If patient hypertensive, treat BP according to national guidelines e.g. British Hypertension Society

© 2022 The Bedside Clinical Guidelines Partnership.

Created by University Hospital North Midlands and Keele University School of Computing and Mathematics.

Research and development team: James Mitchell, Ed de Quincey, Charles Pantin, Naveed Mustfa