• To revise the principles of transfusion, see Principles of transfusion and Consent for transfusion guidelines
  • 4-factor PCC is a manufactured plasma product containing clotting Factors II, VII, IX and X, plus the natural anticoagulant proteins C and S
  • Available as Octaplex® 500 IU or 1000 IU coagulation factor IX
  • Store in controlled temperature <25°C for <2 yr
  • Once requested keep in controlled storage at 2–8°C until required


  • If in doubt, discuss with haematologist

On warfarin or alternative vitamin K antagonists (VKA)

Major bleeding

  • i.e. life, limb or eye-threatening bleeding
    • high clinical suspicion of major haemorrhage pre-imaging intra-cerebral bleed
  • Haemorrhage with haemodynamic instability
  • Major trauma
  • Intraocular bleeding (excluding subconjunctival)
  • Muscle bleed resulting in compartment syndrome
  • Pericardial bleed

Requiring surgery or invasive procedure within the next 6–8 hr

  • Due to clinical urgency only

On direct oral anticoagulant (DOAC)

  • May be indicated for patients with major bleeding/pre-operatively

Other acquired coagulopathies (e.g. liver disease, cardiac surgery)

  • May be indicated for such patients where there is high risk of transfusion associated circulatory overload (TACO)
    • seek advice from consultant haematologist

Direct clinician access to PCC

Prothrombin Complex Concentrate

Clinician direct access

  • Available from the transfusion laboratory for agreed indications 



  • Administration may exacerbate underlying pro-thrombotic states
  • There is small risk of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), particularly with repeated dosing 


  • Dosed in ‘international units’ (IU) as multiples of 500 IU
  • Maximum single dose 3000 IU (120 mL) 

For anticoagulant reversal

  • Dose at 25–50 IU/kg according to patient weight and INR if available and valid
    • INR taken within 8 hr. Assess possible impact of previous vitamin K use
Dose selector with INR

This is for major bleeding or urgent surgery/procedure where INR is available and valid
Enter INR: Enter Weight (kg):
  • If high clinical suspicion of major haemorrhage, especially if suspected intracranial bleeding, do not await INR or imaging. Dose by weight
Dose selector with no INR

This is for major bleeding or urgent surgery/procedure where INR is NOT yet available
Enter Weight (kg):
  • For warfarin reversal, ensure vitamin K (phytomenadione) 5 mg IV prescribed and administered
    • as PCC immediately (but only temporarily) reverses the anticoagulant effects of warfarin
  • Ensure anticoagulant has been omitted 

As low volume FFP alternative

  • Treat each 500 IU PCC as a treatment decision and evaluate clinically ± near patient testing (NPT) of coagulation post dose
  • 1 IU PCC has equivalent clotting factor activity to 1 mL plasma (500 IU approximately equivalent to 2 units FFP)


  • Commence infusion at 1 mL/min
  • Observe closely for allergic reactions/anaphylaxis
  • In major bleeding, increase rate to 8–10 mL/min under direct clinical instruction
  • Pre-surgery/procedure, increase rate to 2–3 mL/min
  • Return unused PCC to transfusion laboratory as soon as possible


  • Assess and document WHO bleeding severity score
  • For warfarin reversal, repeat INR 10–20 min post PCC administration
    • if adequate correction, recheck clotting after 4-6 hours then daily
    • if INR ≥1.5 or suboptimal correction and further PCC may be required – seek advice from a consultant haematologist
  • Monitor for adverse events of PCC usage, especially thrombosis
  • Complete incident form for ‘Bleeding on anticoagulation’
  • Discuss with STAC registrar

© 2022 The Bedside Clinical Guidelines Partnership.

Created by University Hospital North Midlands and Keele University School of Computing and Mathematics.

Research and development team: James Mitchell, Ed de Quincey, Charles Pantin, Naveed Mustfa