• Anticoagulation in patients with Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT)
  • Argatroban is preferred alternative anticoagulant in patients with HIT
  • For advice, contact consultant haematologist


  • Preferred alternative anticoagulant in patients with HIT
  • Direct thrombin inhibitor with a half-life of 50 min
  • Eliminated by hepato-biliary route


  • Check baseline platelet count and APTT
  • No dose modification in patients with renal impairment
  • Specific dosage protocol for patients on haemodialysis, contact haematologist
  • Use with caution in patients in critical care and hepatic impairment
  • Contraindicated in patients with severe hepatic impairment
  • If patient bleeds, contact consultant haematologist

IV infusion by syringe pump

  • Preparation: 50mg/50ml (1mg/mL) solution for infusion – ready to use
  • Administer via a syringe driver


  • Maximum dose 10 microgram/kg/min

Critically ill/hepatic impairment

  • In severe hepatic impairment, argatroban is contraindicated, contact haematologist
  • Otherwise, start with 0.5 microgram/kg/min
  • 2 hr after initiation of infusion, check APTT

Change due to APTT result

  • If APTT <1.5, increase infusion rate by 0.1 microgram/kg/min
    • repeat APTT in 4 hrs
  • If APTT 1.5-3.0, no change in infusion rate
    • repeat APTT in 4 hrs
    • after 2 consecutive APTTs within target range, check at least once daily
  • If APTT >3.0, stop infusion
    • repeat APTT 4hrly until APTT between 1.5–3.0
    • resume at half previous infusion rate and monitor

Standard schedule

  • Start with 2 microgram/kg/min
  • 2 hr after initiation of infusion, check APTT

Change due to APTT result

  • If APTT <1.5, increase infusion rate by 0.5 microgram/kg/min
    • repeat APTT in 2 hrs
  • If APTT 1.5-3.0, no change in infusion rate
    • repeat APTT in 2 hrs
    • after 2 consecutive APTTs within target range, check at least once daily
  • If APTT >3.0, stop infusion
    • repeat APTT 2hrly until APTT between 1.5–3.0
    • resume at half previous infusion rate and monitor
Pump rate for selected dose
Weight (kg) Dose selected (mcg/kg/min, between 0.0 - 10):


  • Danaparoid is a low-molecular-weight heparinoid, chemically distinct from heparin
  • Use to treat suspected or proven HIT (with or without thrombosis)
  • Use to prevent venous thrombosis in patients with a history of HIT
  • If patient bleeds, contact consultant haematologist


  • For patients undergoing dialysis, discuss with haematology
  • Check baseline platelet count and APTT 

Bolus preparation

  • Take 4500 units (3.6 mL of 1250 units/mL) danaparoid sodium injection
    • make up to 45 mL in a syringe with sodium chloride 0.9% or glucose 5% = 100 units/mL
  • The diluted solution is stable for 24 hr
Treatment of HIT (suspected or proven)
Weight (kg)

Prevention of venous thrombosis in patients with history of HIT

  • Give 750 units (0.6 mL of 1250 units/mL solution) SC every 12 hr


  • Use in HIT is unlicensed. Seek haematology advice before prescribing
  • Fondaparinux is an indirect anti-Xa inhibitor and has a half-life of 17–20 hr
  • Avoid in patients with renal impairment, use argatroban instead
  • Before starting, check baseline platelet count and APTT, renal function
  • If patient bleeds, contact consultant haematologist

Fondaparinux dosing for adult patients with HIT

  • If body weight <50 kg, give 5 mg SC once daily
  • If body weight 50 – 100 kg, give 7.5 mg SC once daily
  • If body weight >100 kg, give 10 mg SC once daily
  • If use in patients with renal impairment unavoidable, reduce dose and monitor anti-Xa levels


  • Use in HIT is unlicensed. Seek haematology advice before prescribing
  • Bivalirudin is a direct thrombin inhibitor licensed for use in coronary interventions
    • it has a short half-life of 30–40 min which can be prolonged to 3 hr in patients with severe renal impairment
    • for patients with renal impairment, use argatroban
    • elimination of bivalirudin is by enzymic metabolism and renal excretion. No dose adjustment is required for hepatic impairment
    • there is no known antidote
    • rare cases of anaphylactic reaction have been associated with IV bolus or infusion
  • Before starting infusion, obtain baseline platelet count and APTT
  • If patient bleeds, contact consultant haematologist



  • 250mg powder for reconstitution for injection or infusion 

Administration for HIT

  • Check baseline platelet count and APTT, renal function
  • Reconstitute each 250mg vial with 5ml water for injection
    • swirl gently until completely dissolved and the solution is clear
  • Withdraw 5ml from the vial, and further dilute to a total volume of 50ml with glucose 5% or sodium chloride 0.9%
    • gives a final concentration of 5mg/ml
  • For HIT, given by intravenous infusion via infusion pump

Dosage for HIT

Normal renal function

  • Start with 0.2mg/kg/hr continuous infusion
  • 2 hr after initiation of infusion, check APTT

Change due to APTT result

  • If APTT <1.5, increase infusion rate by 20%
    • repeat APTT in 2 hrs
  • If APTT 1.5-2.5, no change in infusion rate
    • repeat APTT in 2 hrs
    • after 2 consecutive APTTs within target range, check once daily
  • If APTT 2.5-4.0 (no bleeding), reduce infusion rate by 20%
    • repeat APTT in 2 hrs
  • If APTT >4.0, stop infusion
    • repeat APTT in 30 min and then 2 hrly
    • when APTT<2.5, restart infusion at 50% reduced infusion rate
    • repeat APTT in 2 hours

Creatinine Clearance 30-60mL/min

  • Start with 0.1mg/kg/hr continuous infusion
  • 2 hr after initiation of infusion, check APTT

Change due to APTT result

  • If APTT <1.5, increase infusion rate by 20%
    • repeat APTT in 2 hrs
  • If APTT 1.5-2.5, no change in infusion rate
    • repeat APTT in 2 hrs
    • after 2 consecutive APTTs within target range, check once daily
  • If APTT 2.5-4.0 (no bleeding), reduce infusion rate by 20%
    • repeat APTT in 2 hrs
  • If APTT >4.0, stop infusion
    • repeat APTT in 30 min and then 2 hrly
    • when APTT<2.5, restart infusion at 50% reduced infusion rate
    • repeat APTT in 2 hours

Creatinine Clearance <30 mL/min

  • Start with 0.05 mg/kg/hr continuous infusion
  • 2 hr after initiation of infusion, check APTT

Change due to APTT result

  • If APTT <1.5, increase infusion rate by 20%
    • repeat APTT in 2 hrs
  • If APTT 1.5-2.5, no change in infusion rate
    • repeat APTT in 2 hrs
    • after 2 consecutive APTTs within target range, check once daily
  • If APTT 2.5-4.0 (no bleeding), reduce infusion rate by 20%
    • repeat APTT in 2 hrs
  • If APTT >4.0, stop infusion
    • repeat APTT in 30 min and then 2 hrly
    • when APTT<2.5, restart infusion at 50% reduced infusion rate
    • repeat APTT in 2 hours
Pump rate for selected dose
Weight (kg) Dose selected (mg/kg/min):

© 2022 The Bedside Clinical Guidelines Partnership.

Created by University Hospital North Midlands and Keele University School of Computing and Mathematics.

Research and development team: James Mitchell, Ed de Quincey, Charles Pantin, Naveed Mustfa