• HIV is a treatable medical condition
  • The majority of those living with the virus in the UK are well
  • Approximately 25% are unaware of their HIV infection
    • their own health is at risk
    • they may pass on the virus
  • Late diagnosis is the most important factor associated with HIV-related morbidity
  • HIV testing should occur in a wide variety of settings
  • Obtain informed consent for an HIV test in the same way as for any other medical investigation
HIV testing remains voluntary and confidential


  • Patients presenting with clinical features compatible with HIV
  • When primary HIV infection is a differential diagnosis
  • Anyone exposed to HIV risk e.g. needlestick injury
    • both the person exposed and potential source

Primary HIV infection (PHI)

  • Symptomatic PHI occurs in approximately 80% of individuals infected by HIV
    • typically 2–4 weeks after infection
  • Typical symptoms include a combination of any of:
    • fever
    • rash (maculopapular)
    • myalgia
    • pharyngitis
    • headache/aseptic meningitis
  • Resolves spontaneously within 2–3 weeks
  • If PHI suspected, contact on-call genito-urinary physician

Clinical indicator diseases for adult HIV infection


  • Pneumocystis pneumonia
  • Tuberculosis
  • Bacterial pneumonia
  • Aspergillosis


  • Cerebral toxoplasmosis
  • Primary cerebral lymphoma
  • Cryptococcal meningitis
  • Progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy
  • Aseptic meningitis
  • Space occupying lesion of unknown cause
  • Guillain-Barré syndrome
  • Transverse myelitis
  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Dementia
  • Leucoencephalopathy


  • Kaposi’s sarcoma
  • Severe/recalcitrant
  • seborrheic dermatitis/psoriasis
  • Multidermatomal or recurrent herpes zoster


  • Persistent cryptosporidiosis
  • Oral candidiasis
  • Oral hairy leukoplakia
  • Chronic diarrhoea/weight loss of unknown cause
  • Salmonella, Shigella or Campylobacter
  • Hepatitis B/C infection


  • Cervical cancer
  • Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  • Anal cancer/intraepithelial dysplasia
  • Lung/head and neck cancer
  • Seminoma
  • Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  • Castleman’s disease


  • Vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia
  • Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia Grade 2 or above


  • Any unexplained blood dyscrasia


  • Cytomegalovirus retinitis
  • Infective retinal diseases


  • Lymphadenopathy of unknown cause
  • Chronic parotitis
  • Lymphoepithelial parotid cysts


  • Mononucleosis-like syndrome
  • Pyrexia of unknown origin
  • Anyone with a mother who is HIV positive no matter what age
  • Anyone who has a partner who is HIV positive
  • Men who have sex with other men
  • Female sexual contacts of men who have sex with men
  • Patients reporting use of injecting drugs
  • Anyone from a country of HIV prevalence >1%
  • Anyone who has had sex in a country of HIV prevalence >1%
  • Anyone who has had sex with someone from a country of HIV prevalence >1%
  • All pregnant women


Who can test?

  • Doctor, nurse, midwife or trained healthcare worker

Pre-test discussion

  • Give adequate information about the test and the virus to enable patient to make an informed decision
    • does not require lengthy pre-test HIV counselling unless patient requests or needs this
  • If patient refuses test, explore reasons for refusal
    • ascertain not because misunderstanding about the virus or the consequences of testing
  • Discuss any concerns about insurance cover or criminal prosecution for transmission of the virus
  • Agree arrangements for communicating result with patient at time of testing

Special groups

  • Children and young people
  • Learning difficulties or mental health problems,
  • English not their first language
  • Such patients may need additional help and time to make a decision
    • ensure they have understood what is proposed and why
    • ensure understand what a positive/negative HIV result means (some patients could interpret ‘positive’ as good news)

Testing where patient lacks capacity to consent (including unconscious patient)

  • See Consent guideline – Valid consent for an adult patient who is found to lack capacity
  • Discuss with consultant in genitourinary medicine or ID service
  • Assessment of capacity relates to the specific issue: consent to HIV testing
  • Start from presumption that patient has capacity to make this decision
  • Consider whether they understand what decision they are being asked to make and can weigh up the information relevant to the decision

Temporary lack of capacity to consent

  • Defer testing until they regain capacity
    • unless testing is immediately necessary to save patient’s life or prevent serious deterioration of their condition

Permanent lack of capacity to consent

  • Seek a decision from any person with relevant powers of attorney or follow the requirements of any valid advance statements
  • If patient has not appointed an attorney or there is no advance directive, HIV testing may be undertaken where this is in patient’s best interests

The source patient in a needlestick injury or other HIV risk exposure

  • Obtain consent from source patient before testing
  • If source patient lacks capacity, discuss with infectious diseases or genitourinary medicine consultant
  • The person obtaining consent must be a healthcare worker other than person who sustained the injury
  • See Post-exposure prophylaxis guidance


  • Document offer of an HIV test in patient’s notes together with any relevant discussion:
    • if patient refuses test, document reasons
  • Written consent is usually not necessary


  • Testing clinician (or team) must give result of HIV test (if positive) directly to patient
    • not via any third party (including relatives or other clinical teams) unless patient has agreed


  • Clear procedures as to how patient will receive result must be in place, especially where result is positive
  • Face-to-face provision of HIV test results is strongly encouraged for:
    • ward-based patients
    • patients more likely to have an HIV-positive result
    • those with mental health issues or risk of suicide
    • those for whom English is a second language
    • young people <16 yr
    • those who may be highly anxious or vulnerable

HIV negative result – post-test discussion

  • Inform all patients of genitourinary clinical services and provide telephone number for self-referral
  • If still within window period after a specific exposure, discuss need to repeat test at 3 months to definitively exclude HIV infection
  • Seek specialist advice from/referral to genitourinary medicine or ID service in the following situations:
    • those at higher risk of repeat exposure to HIV infection who may require advice about risk reduction or behaviour change, including post-exposure prophylaxis
    • if reported as reactive or equivocal, refer to genitourinary medicine or ID service (may be undergoing seroconversion)

HIV positive result – post-test discussion

  • Discuss follow-up programme with infectious diseases/genitourinary specialist before informing patient of positive result
  • For all new HIV positive diagnoses, test a second sample
  • Testing clinician must give result personally to patient in a confidential environment and in a clear and direct manner
  • If patient’s first language not English, consider using an appropriate confidential translation service
  • Refer to genitourinary medicine or ID service who will arrange appointment within 72 hr
    • genitourinary medicine/ID specialist team will perform more detailed post-test discussion
    • including assessment of disease stage, proposed treatment and partner notification

Further information

© 2022 The Bedside Clinical Guidelines Partnership.

Created by University Hospital North Midlands and Keele University School of Computing and Mathematics.

Research and development team: James Mitchell, Ed de Quincey, Charles Pantin, Naveed Mustfa