Use this guideline only in patients with VTE


  • Check FBC, INR and APTT, U&E, LFT
  • Always weigh patient
    • do NOT guess the body weight or rely on patient’s own estimate
  • Consider risk of bleeding. See next section
  • Consider need for monitoring, especially Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia or Anti-Xa monitoring. See MONITORING DALTEPARIN TREATMENT below


Increased risk of bleeding

  • Adjust dalteparin doses with advice from appropriate team


  • Contact obstetric team
Daily dalteparin dose: pregnant
Enter early pregnancy or booking weight in kg (all weights entered to nearest round figure):

Renal failure (eGFR <20)

  • Contact renal team
Daily dalteparin dose: eGFR < 20
Enter weight in kg (all weights entered to nearest round figure):

Severe liver failure

  • Contact liver team for advice on doses

Thrombocytopenia or defective platelet function

  • If platelet count <100 x 109/L or defective platelet function, seek advice from on-call haematologist before starting anticoagulation
  • If platelet count ≥100 x 109/L, or if advised by haematologist, start dalteparin

Following surgery, trauma or haemorrhagic stroke

  • Adjust dalteparin dose accordingly with advice from appropriate team

Standard doses of SC Dalteparin

  • Check any increased risk of bleeding
Enter weight in kg (all weights entered to nearest round figure):
Enter weight in kg (all weights entered to nearest round figure):



  • If required, arrange for outpatient to return daily for further SC injections of dalteparin sodium
  • Check they have an advice sheet

Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia

  • In a medical patient who has not been given unfractionated heparin, monitoring for heparin-induced thrombocytopenia is not required
  • If patient is being, or has (in last 3 months) been, treated with unfractionated heparin or is a post-operative surgical patient being treated with LMWH:
    • check platelet count on alternate days starting from day 4 until day 14 of heparin treatment (from day 2 if patient has been given heparin in preceding 100 days).
    • compare platelet count with pre-treatment result – see Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia guideline

Anti-Xa monitoring

  • If patient weighs, or early pregnancy weight was <50 kg or >90 kg, or patient has bleeding problems, renal impairment, or massive PE, discuss need for anti-Xa monitoring with haematology consultant

© 2022 The Bedside Clinical Guidelines Partnership.

Created by University Hospital North Midlands and Keele University School of Computing and Mathematics.

Research and development team: James Mitchell, Ed de Quincey, Charles Pantin, Naveed Mustfa